things i would like to own and some things i already do own
Dooney and Bourke US Passport Holder in their oh so fabulous Giraffe print. $45 Which is apparently out of stock, bummer. I also want their Large Sac in Giraffe, the Passport Holder is marginally more realistic. The most to die Giraffe print item I covet is the Roller of course.
I'm really big into luggage and traveling lately. Not that I own luggage or travel, but it's fun to dream. One site that's super awesome to browse and pretend shop is Flight 001, you should check it out!
Oh oh! I just found the most hip iPod case ever: hymn book iPod case from Fred Flare! I love Fred Flare and this iPod case is total genius. Apparently it's imported from England. I don't know why I particularly fancy it, but at this very moment in a 1am sleep deprived daze, it is the bee's knees. I love Fred Flare. I am always adding things to my ff wishlist, but never get around to buying them which is lame. Probably as lame as posting a link to said wishlist. I know, right?
I really want Stephen Colbert's book, I Am America (And So Can You!), I checked it out from the library, but haven't bought it. It's funny and would look really fantastic on my bookshelf between my copies of America the Book. I have two Americas, the hardcover and the paperback. The only other books I have in hardcover and paperback are, of course, Victoria Beckham's That Extra Half an Inch (which is major and lovely and oh so glam!) and J.D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey. My hardcover Franny and Zooey was bought by my sister from the library and I just now thought of it and my paperback is the mass market one, all of my Salinger books are the $6.95 mass market paperbacks.Speaking of mass market paperbacks, I need to continue my collection of mass market Sophie Kinsella books: I need Shopaholic & Sister and The Undomestic Goddess. I don't think Shopaholic & Baby will be ready for mass market for a while, especially since it came out this year and will just be in trade paperback in December. Honestly I still haven't finished reading Shopaholic Takes Manhattan or Shopaholic Ties the Knot, but I do own them. I am so obsessed with Kinsella's novel Can You Keep a Secret?, I've read it like three times (which is high praise coming from me, I hardly ever even finish books!)
Anyways, I really should go to sleep now. I can't think of anything else off the top of my head I want or feel like I should talk about right now. Kiss kiss!