Tuesday, April 29, 2008

coldplay & annie

Coldplay is one of my favorite bands and you cannot believe how excited I was to download their new single (for free!). My first thought was 'Wow, "Violet Hill" is very powerful', but once the songs winds down it's somewhat disappointing because it really mellows to the end, but it doesn't feel like an ending? I like it though--I really do! The lyrics are pretty much amazing too.

You should definitely check it out by visiting Coldplay.com and downloading it for yourself.

Also, remember a few years ago when we were all dancing around to Annie's Heartbeat? She's back and even better. Her new song I Know UR Girlfriend Hates Me is super fantastic and I can't wait for an mp3 of it so I can dance around to it whenever. Check out the video:

You can also check out Annie on myspace!

So, that's my music gushing for today! xx

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